It’s week 3 of the #CarlsCrew challenge. And this week Carl is challenging everyone to try a new vegetarian meal. If you’re stuck for ideas, here’s one from our team, just in time for fall. Squash Casserole Ingredients: 4 cups cooked squash or pumpkin – mashed or small cubes 1 Tbsp olive oil 1 cup […]
Own It!
“97% of women have at least one ‘I hate my body’ moment every day.” Special K wants to change that negative voice in your head that tells you you’re not perfect. Because we all have something about our body we don’t like. But instead of focusing on that one little thing, we should focus on […]
#CarlsCrew Twitter Party
Have you been getting fit and taking on the #CarlsCrew challenge? If not, it’s not too late to start! The challenge is on to week two with the Plank Challenge. It is a serious workout for your abs! To help keep you motivated Carl will be live for the #CarlsCrew Twitter party, hosted by @SUBWAYCanada. […]
Get Fit with #CARLSCrew and Subway Canada + Twitter Party
Have you heard of Carl’s Crew? I am happy to get coaching from from Carl Savard, Subway Canada’s Commit to Fit brand ambassador and over the next four weeks, Carl has committed to working together to helping us reach our health goals. I would like you to take the challenges with me! CarlsCrew Program Each Monday, […]
Basketball Camp in Montreal September 13, 2015 with Tangerine Bank and Canada Basketball
Tangerine and Canada Basketball would like to invite children aged 9-13 to a skills camp, featuring Canadian NBA player Joel Anthony. To register your child, please RSVP to