Disclosure: This is a partnered post with Tangerine Bank. However, all opinions and views on this post are 100% my own.

When you look at the state of the Canadian economy, and then you start to look at the US economy and then the global economy, you can’t help but be concerned about your investments. We all want to time the market properly. You know – you want to buy now and sell high! We also love to see our investments growing but if when we see a loss – our heart stops. Who wants to lose money on their investments. If you hid that money under your mattress you would at least have the same amount. My boyfriend tells me that I am too emotional, and that all good investors do not let their emotions get in the way of their investments. He tells me to focus on the long term just like he does.

Want to know more about investing? Here are a list of great articles on the Tangerine Blog. You can also join the us at the Tangerine Bank #InvestSavvy Twitter Chat.

Twitter Chat Details

Date: Tuesday October 29, 2019
Time: 8:00pm ET – 9:00pm ET
Host: @TangerineBank
Moderator: @ShesConnected
Hashtag: #InvestSavvy

Twitter Chat Questions

Q1. Are you currently investing? If not, what’s preventing you?

Q2. Do you feel that you need to have a lot of money before you can start investing?

Q3. Do you worry about stock market ups and downs?

Q4. Do you know what assets are included in your investment portfolio?

Q5. How much risk are you comfortable taking with your investments? Do you think this will change as you get older?

Q6. Do you know what actively managed mutual funds and passively managed mutual funds are?

Q7. Do media headlines about how the stock market is performing make you uneasy? Why or why not?

Q8. Do you think it makes sense for a new investor to jump in when the market is volatile, or should they wait for a “safer” time? Do you think there’s a “safer” time to invest?