#OneWalkTO to Conquer Cancer which benefits the Princess Margaret Cancer Center.
One breakthrough is everyone’s breakthrough.
One person’s fight is the battle we all take on.
September 12th, 2015: Rally together with your friends, family and community to help raise critical funds for Princess Margaret Cancer Center, one of the top 5 cancer research centers in the world. It’s your opportunity to be part of game-changing movement. Could you imagine if we all came together the impact we could make in the fight to Conquer ALL Cancers?
Save the date: September 12th, 2015 is the day thousands of people just like you, will walk united through the streets of Toronto with one objective: To change the future for all those affected by this devastating disease. For over a decade, men and women just like you, have laced up their shoes and taken great strides against women’s cancers. Men and women who are passionately united in the proof that the work of leading Princess Margaret researchers and clinicians is increasing survivorship and supporting patients together, have raised over $145 million dollars.
We need to continue the fight to walk to conquer all types of cancers so that no one is left out or feeling that their cancer is any less important. So this year, we have launched The Shoppers Drug Mart® #OneWalk to Conquer Cancer. It’s onewalk, on one day, for all cancers.
Each and every day, over 500 Canadians will hear the heartbreaking words no one ever wants to hear: “I’m Sorry, you have cancer”
Loved ones will join together to prepare for the fight of their lives.
Cancer does not discriminate: Men, Women, young, old, rich, poor, and no one is immune to cancers wrath.
Cancer is a thief that steals the precious time we have with those we love.
You can select the cancer fund that matters most to you when you register <link>. Once you register, your quest starts: Recruit your team, raise funds, and take the step to conquer cancer walking in solidarity with thousands of others on One Day. #OneWalk. All Cancers.
Your personal page: You have your very own webpages where you can tell your story, or the story of someone close to you. Unfortunately, we all have at least one story to tell, some have many battle stories. You can accept donations right on your page, check your progress, and start your very own blog. It’s absolutely free.
Walker Portal: This is your Cancer fighting dashboard. Upload your photo, keep track of your fundraising, download valuable tools, and send out emails. We’ve made it easy to manage your personal campaign all in one place.
Training Assistance: Here, you can connect with coaches that will help connect you to other walkers, guide you through training to get you pumped, primed and ready for your walk.
Fundraising Plan: Your coach will work with you to put an achievable, and fun fundraising plan together that will help you make an exceptional impact!
Community Events: Throughout the year, you’ll have a variety of opportunities to meet fellow participants at Orientations and Training Walks. You now have a support group with thousands of members untied in the same cause.
The enhanced festival like atmosphere along the 25km route decorated with coloured flags from all the different types of cancers will undoubtedly form an emotional bond with you as you complete your journey.
Safety & Medical: Volunteer medical professionals will be stationed along the OneWalk route to make sure you are safe and have fun. Safety is the #1 Priority.
Refreshments: Pit Stops are stationed every few kilometers stocked with water, sports drinks, and high energy snacks.
Crew & Volunteers: Hard working heroes driving safety vehicles and handing out meals will be there to cheer you on, step-by-step.
This 1-day, 25KM walk through Toronto is your opportunity to make a difference in the fight to conquer cancer! Rally your friends, family and co-workers together and join The Shoppers Drug Mart® #OneWalk to Conquer Cancer™ benefiting Princess Margaret Cancer Centre to end ALL cancers.
September 12, 2015
Check out the 2015 #OneWalkTO Orientation Video
Walk for the cause because: this is one cause you can’t walk away from.