We started to build ShesConnected almost 5 years ago. We built the first dual profile social networking site because we thought that women would require a site where they manage both the personal and professional sides of their lives. And as it turns out they really do!
The downside of a dual profile social networking site? – when we try to incorporate something new like event registrations into the site that may only pertain to 1 profile – it sometimes complicates matters. (forgive me for making things a little complicated!)
Additionally – if you were already a member of shesconnected you sometimes were NOT given the option to add your social details when you applied to attend. (our programmers are looking into this) Without any social details our program thought you were not social at all so you were not added to the list we reviewed.
Please follow the instructions below, or email me at donna.marie@shesconnected.com or juan@shesconnectedcorp.com if you have any issues!
The purpose of this post is to allows users to verify that they have 1) applied to attend the conference and 2) provided their social details so that our automated program can determine your social rating.
1) Verify you have applied to attend
Please login to https://www.shesconnected.com/conference you must use the email address you registered with and your password. Once you have logged in you will be directed to your profile page. Click on the Meet with Brands and Grow your Influence Banner. It is highlighted with a red box in the image below.
Once you click the banner above, you will be taken to the apply to attend page. If you see this page then you have registered. The page displays “Thank you for applying to attend“. If you have not applied to attend then you need to fill out the form.
Now if you have received a message from me about your social details – then it means that we need to to add them. Please be sure you stay logged in – then click the “my page” tab and you will be directed to this page. Please select the profile you wish the edit. (this one is blue is my professional one)
then scorll down to the page until you see the place to add your social information and your blog(s).