Celebrating Moms with Dove is the latest national campaign to recognize and celebrate the efforts of moms.  The list of current nominees who are the very definition of “role models”  include; courageous women who have overcome adversity, moms who have been trailblazers and moms who instill a sense of confidence in their children!  You will be inspired just by reading their stories!  Dove is committed to challenging traditional definitions of beauty and educating our girls about body image.  One their website, you can find resources on addressing with self esteem issues with your own children.

Only 9% of Canadian girls (ages 10-17) are comfortable using the word “beautiful” to describe themselves. However, when girls feel they have a role model, they are less likely to let anxiety about looks hold them back.

Dove is committed to inspiring all women and girls to reach their full potential. That’s why we want you to nominate amazing women who deserve to be celebrated.

Four inspiring Role Models from across Canada* will win $2,500 for herself and $2,500 will be donated to the charity of her choice.

You can submit your nomination until September 4th, 2012.