We asked our brand ambassadors some questions, as we wanted to interview each one of them and each week focus our attention on one of our great valuable resources as we prepare for this years Shes Connected Conference. You can expect more interviews done with our brand ambassadors and advisors alike.
This week we feature: Sober Julie
1. Tell us about you YOU! Your family, where you live, etc.
I have been married to the most amazing (patient) man in the world for almost 10 years and we have 2 beautiful, brilliant and oh-so challenging daughters. We live with our boxer, Miss Cocoa Bean in Orangeville, Ontario.
2. How long have you been blogging? When and Why did you start?
I began blogging in Nov/10 in order to journal my life, I had been involved in a car accident and my memory was compromised. It was actually after looking through photos taken in the 6 months since the accident that I realized I didn’t remember much of the time I had spent with my family. I began blogging hoping to retain my memories of family time and the first year of my sobriety.
3. What role does blogging play in your life; fun, extra income, main source of income, journaling, memories, etc.
Although blogging began as an outlet and source for storing my memories it has become much more. Blogging provides me with a creative outlet where I can exercise my brain and share things that inspire me with others. When I write I put myself out there, sharing my dark places along with my happiness with the world. It’s an outlet where I’ve found an ability to connect and help others while helping myself.
4. What role has social media played in your life?
Social media is an amazing way to connect with people whom you normally couldn’t. As I say I am thinking of an amazing woman from Australia I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know, she is also in recovery and her friendship has strengthened my resolve. Personally chronic pain often finds me unable to go out and socialize in the normal way, social media provides a venue for that.
5. Tell us about your “Brand”.
Sober Julie is my brand, it was not something that happened accidentally…..I took time to watch the blogiverse and social media before I launched my brand into the main stream audience. I write from the heart, I present my journey with raw honesty in what I hope is a humorous manner. I challenge others to reflect upon their lives and hope to provide inspiration which can help them to engage in it wholeheartedly NOW.
6. How many SCCTO have you attend? Was the conference what you expected it to be? Why?
I attended SCCTO last year, it was my first conference and I didn’t really know what to expect. I had the opportunity to connect with many bloggers whom I’d interacted with online in the months leading up to it. The conference allowed me to meet the Brands face to face and establish relationships in person. It far exceeded any expectations I had.
7. What was your favourite part of the conference?
What was your favourite booth and why? My favorite part of the conference was connecting with people directly, this happened in the hallways, at booths and at evening events. There were many booths I enjoyed but I’d have to say I loved singing Careoke in the Ford Lounge.
8. What was your most memorable moment from SCCTO?
Toshiba had given me a tablet to test drive throughout the conference and once I returned to my room I realized I had it in my purse. The shock I felt at the moment was horrible but the laughter of my 3 blogger roommates and Toshiba’s response to my tweet are my fav memories.
9. Did you continue your relationship on social media with other attendees? Brands?
I have definitely kept up relationships with both bloggers and brands I met at SCCTO. I often work in conjunction with the bloggers and brands.
10. Why are you proud to be this year’s SCCTO Brand Ambassador? What are you looking forward to this year?
Since the SCCTO conference I’ve had the opportunity to work with ShesConnected on some projects but being chosen as a Conference Ambassador is truly an honor. ShesConnected is a brand that provides opportunities for women to grow their businesses and deals in an above board, direct manner which women can use to their advantage if they choose. I’m certainly proud to be representing such a strong, dynamic brand!
You can also find Julie on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest