With the holiday season just around the corner, people tend to let themselves go a bit and put on those few “festive pounds” that tend to stay on as the weather gets colder and colder.  Incorportating a lifestyle change is an important way to maintain and even enhance your current condition.


Subway Canada wants to help you change things around and make a pledge to try something new and different and become more active and healthy.  There is an on-going weekly challenge for participants to “Commit to Fit!”  Carl Savard is the campaign ambassador who is challenging people to do more than just lose weight.  Carl is challenging everyone to make an active lifestyle change  by eating better and becoming more active.  Carl’s Crew is a group of people coming together online from parts all over Canada, committing to take a weekly challenge and report their activity at the end of each week.

This week is Week 5 of the 6 week challenge.  All participants have been challendged this week to try something new! Members are being asked to try a new and different form of exercise to keep things interesting and fresh.  From something as simple as trying a new machine at the gym, exploring yoga or just doing some burpees or squats.

Do you have an area or health concern that you want to work on?  What commitment can you make to become healthier, more active and make a lifestyle change?  Although the challenge is coming to a close, this does not mean that you cannot make your own personal commitment to get fit today.  Get a head start on those “festive pounds” this holiday season and make your own personal pact to try something new each week.  You can start with something as simple as replacing a starchy side dish to a fresh green or orange vegetable that is full of nutrients and vitamins with little to no fat content.

Join us for a #CommitToFit Twitter Chat on 10/28/14 and learn more about this amazing campaign.


If you want to monitor the progress of Carl and his fellow ambassadors that are participating in the current “Commit to Fit” challenge, be sure to follow along on Twitter or Instagram via #CommitToFit and #CarlsCrew and see how others are making great strive and progress in their personal commitment to get fit!


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