When it comes to mental health, now more than ever, every action counts! Thursday, January 28, 2021 is Bell Let’s Talk Day. There ae so many ways to participate. You can help fundraise by engaging on social media channels, you can can practice mindfulness by colouring a mandala, you can start a conversation with the chatter box, you can share a Let’s Talk Kindness Box, Practice self-care activity. This blog post identifies the way you can support Bell and ways to take care of yourself.
Additionally there are so many great resources found on the Bell Let’s Talk Site like COVID-19 Resources, Initiatives, Ways to Help, and where you can Get Help.
On Bell Let’s Talk Day, let’s make every one of these actions count:
- TWITTER: Each time you tweet and retweet using #BellLetsTalk or watch their official video, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.
- FACEBOOK: Each time you use the Bell Let’s Talk Facebook frame or watch their official video, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.
- INSTAGRAM: Each time you watch their official video on Instagram, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.
- SNAPCHAT: Each time you use the Bell Let’s Talk Snapchat filter or watch their official video, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.
- YOUTUBE: Each time you watch their official video on YouTube, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.
- TIKTOCK: Each time you upload a video using #BellLetsTalk or watch their official video, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.
- PINTEREST: Each time you watch their official video on Pinterest, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.
- TEXT MESSAGES: For every text message sent by a Bell wireless customer, Bell will donate 5¢ more towards mental health initiatives.*
- CALLS: For every call made by Bell wireless and home phone customers**, Bell will donate 5¢ more to mental health initiatives.
*This event excludes iMessages. Regular charges apply.
**By a Bell, Bell MTS or Bell Aliant mobile or home phone customer. Regular service charges apply.
Practice mindfulness with the Bell Let’s Talk mandala.
This year, Bell Let’s Talk has designed a mandala that you can print out and colour in. Many mental health professionals recommend colouring as an effective way to practice mindfulness.
Mandala, meaning “sacred circle” in Sanskrit, is a circular art form often containing geometric and repeating designs. Similar to meditation, it focuses your attention on the present moment and away from worries and stress. Share your creation on social media using #BellLetsTalk

Chatter Box
How to start a conversation.
- Pick a circled number and open in alternative directions that amount of times.
2. Pick a blue number and open alternately that amount of times.
3. Pick your final number, open flap and start your conversation

Let’s Talk Kindness Box
A Kindness Box is a fun and easy way to give yourself or someone you care about a boost of positive energy. Fill out the messages on the right with personalized statements, save the document and send it by email to someone you care about so they can make their own Bell Let’s Talk Kindness Box. If they don’t have a printer, they can still save the document and view their messages whenever they need a pick-me-up.

Self-Care Activity
Practicing self-care means taking the time to participate in activities that bring you enjoyment or a sense of calm and peacefulness. Activities can include things you do on a day-to-day basis or new activities. Self-care can promote positive mental health and well-being, keep us grounded and reduce the effects of stress in our lives.
This month, challenge yourself to complete as many self-care activities as you can. For each activity completed, fill in the talk bubble in that square.

Download and print posters

Update your Twitter Cover
Update your Twitter cover with one of the images below. Place mouse on image, right click and download.

Facebook Cover
Update your Facebook cover with one of the images below. Place mouse on image, right click and download.

Let us know how you will be supporting #BellLetsTalk this year!